Our story

We are passionate about creating a global Voice™ to empower people to live healthy and productive lives by engaging in research.

About Voice™
Launching in Singapore

Voice® first launched our platform in 2015, but our story started years earlier when Lynne Corner and Jim Edwardson first established Voice® following working on UK Government Office for Science report on Valuing Mental Capital through the life-course.

In our daily work, we saw every day – the immense wisdom, knowledge, and experience of older people, many of whom were retired, and recognised what an untapped pool of talent, imagination and creativity was locked in this ever growing group of people.

We recognised that many people have a lifetime of firstly lived experience – from ‘living life’ but also professional experience – often 30, 40, 50 plus years working in a myriad of different sectors and roles. And it was clear that people want to connect, are keen to share their experience, exchange perspectives and eager to make a visible and meaningful difference, both now and for the future.

So, our purpose was simple – To help make this happen, harness as an asset and value this incredible and collective capability & capacity - creating a thriving global community of “innovation ready citizens” for better addressing global challenge and realising the opportunities around healthy longevity.

And that's how Voice® was born - Valuing Our Intellectual Capital and Experience.

Voice® members have worked with over 100 organisations

Image: who we work with